Books, Audio Courses and Other Tools
on Mediation, Conflict Resolution, Negotiation and Communication
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MCLE / CLE / CME at your fingertips and at your convenience!
Recorded live at the AIM Institute Advanced Track at the Southern California Mediation Association Annual Conference, November 2012.
Stereotyping, Prejudice and Bias in Mediation: Lessons for Mediation Practitioners
with Kenneth Cloke (Approved for 1.5 MCLE Hours in California)
Every conflict involves diversity, whether in race, gender, nationality, culture, sexual orientation, language, capacity, context, and personality, or simply in positions, interests, ideas, beliefs, backgrounds, values, and environments. Participants in this workshop will learn approaches, exercises and techniques that will assist people in identifying the sources of prejudice, bias and stereotyping, and reduce their impact on cross-cultural communications and relationships.

| 1 AIM Advanced Track Video 1 AIM Advanced Track Video for Affiliated Organizations |
_____ x $ 79.00 = $_________
_____ x $ 69.00 = $_________
Building Trust and Utilizing Personal Power in Mediation
with Lee Jay Berman (Approved for 1.5 MCLE Hours in California)
Mediation is, in many senses, a kind of micro-consulting that we do with our clients. Within the first 10 minutes, we have secured a first impression with them, and through the next 2-3 hours, we must focus on building trust, above all else, because it is at the end of that day, when the going gets tough, that mediators need all of the impact we can muster. We will learn from the world of client service and consulting how to build trust and utilize personal power and executive presence to gain maximum mediator power and impact.

| 1 AIM Advanced Track Video 1 AIM Advanced Track Video for Affiliated Organizations |
_____ x $ 79.00 = $_________
_____ x $ 69.00 = $_________
Choreographing Communication in Mediation
with James C. Melamed (Approved for 1 MCLE Hour in California)
Jim describes how mediation is moving away from being “a discrete physical event” and toward a more complex “choreography of communication.” Jim will review the various available synchronous and asynchronous communication modalities and discuss how we are wise to align the communication modalities we use with the practical and psychological needs of the situation. The issue is not “face-to-face or online,” but, rather, how we can best integrate both face-to-face and online communications.
| 1 AIM Advanced Track Video 1 AIM Advanced Track Video for Affiliated Organizations |
_____ x $ 79.00 = $_________
_____ x $ 69.00 = $_________
Advanced Caucus Strategies: Impasse or Bad Behavior
with Forrest (Woody) Mosten (Approved for 1 MCLE Hour in California)
Threats, stone silence, loud packing of briefcases: parties and lawyers are about to walk out the door! This workshop will feature 2 Last Stage Strategies to give one final opportunity for parties and lawyers to stay in the Mediation Process and reach a settlement. The highlighted strategies will be: Confidential Mini Evaluations by Accountants, Appraisers and Other Experts and the Final Mediator Settlement Proposal. For each strategy, Woody will set out and demonstrate the theory and concrete steps to perform the strategy and the participants will have the opportunity to discuss challenging facts, relationship dynamics, and ethical considerations.
| 1 AIM Advanced Track Video 1 AIM Advanced Track Video for Affiliated Organizations |
_____ x $ 79.00 = $_________
_____ x $ 69.00 = $_________
Set of ALL FOUR videos from the 2012 SCMA/AIM Advanced Track
Special discount for SCMA Conference attendees.
| Bundle of All 4 AIM Advanced Track Videos Bundle of All 4 AIM Advanced Track Videos with Affiliated Organization Discount |
_____ x $ 199.00 = $_________
_____ x $ 179.00 = $_________
To purchase the videos of the general SCMA 2012 Conference sessions, click here.
1. Please allow up to one week to receive your access code that will permit you to view the videos. An email will be sent to the email address you use in the above purchase with a link and access code.
2. Videos can be viewed using your computer, smartphone, or other internet-enabled device. Videos are iPad & iPhone compatible (no Flash required.)
3. The passcode is an individual license to the specific viewer only, but it does not expire.
Mediator's Starter Kit 3-ring Notebook plus CD
Disk |
The Mediator's Starter Kit contains everything you need to operate a successful mediation practice. The Starter Kit contains Settlement Agreement forms, Confidentiality forms, a Request for Mediation and Agreement to Mediate form, Invoicing forms, and every form letter you need to prepare private mediations, court mediations, follow-up with parties, and scheduling. Additionally, The Starter Kit contains Mr. Berman's actual Mediation Introduction (or Mediator's Opening Statement) verbatim as he delivers it at the start of every mediation. The Starter Kit contains every form and the introduction on a CD (in Word and WordPerfect) and in hard copy in a 3-ring binder. These forms, letters and introduction are yours to use, edit, modify and personalize in any way, or simply use them as they are. This Starter Kit is invaluable for every mediator whether starting a new practice or reviving or automating an existing one!
3-ring Notebook USB Drive Only |
_____ x $ 149.95 = $_________
_____ x $ 119.95 = $_________
ADR Courses on Cassette Tape and Audio CD |
"Introduction to Mediation" by Lee Jay Berman (Approved for 1.0 MCLE Hour
in California) |
Cassettes CDs |
_____ x $ 19.95 = $_________
SALE 50% off!! Only $9.98
_____ x $ 24.95 = $_________
SALE 20% off!! Only $19.95 |
"So You Say You Want to Be A Professional Mediator?" by Lee Jay Berman (Approved for 0.5 MCLE Hour
in California) |
Cassettes CDs |
_____ x $ 19.95 = $_________
SALE 50% off!! Only $9.98
_____ x $ 24.95 = $_________
SALE 20% off!! Only $19.95 |
"The Soft Human Underbelly"
by Lee Jay Berman (Approved for 1.0 MCLE Hour
in California) |
_____ x $ 24.95 = $_________
SALE 20% off!! Only $19.95 |
"Ethics in ADR" by Lee Jay Berman (Approved for 1.0 MCLE Ethics Hour
in California) |
Cassettes CDs |
_____ x $ 19.95 = $_________
SALE 50% off!! Only $9.98
_____ x $ 24.95 = $_________
SALE 20% off!! Only $19.95 |
"Client Relations Strategies" by Lee Jay Berman (Approved for 1.0 MCLE Hour
in California) |
Cassettes CDs |
_____ x $ 19.95 = $_________
SALE 50% off!! Only $9.98
_____ x $ 24.95 = $_________
SALE 20% off!! Only $19.95 |
 Lee Jay Berman Five Course Set Save 20%! Includes "Introduction to Mediation," "Client Relations Strategies," "Ethics in ADR", "So You Say You Want to be A Professional Mediator?" and "The Soft Human Underbelly" |
5 Cassettes 5 CDs |
_____ x $79.84 = $_________
SALE 50% off!! Only $41.90
_____ x $ 99.80 = $_________
SALE 20% off!! Only $79.80 |
Books on Mediation & Negotiation
Click here to read a review of Stories Mediators Tell in Psychology Today |
"Winning from Within" by Erica Ariel Fox |
_____ x $ 28.99 = $_________ |
"Stories Mediators Tell" edited by Eric R. Galaton, Lela P. Love |
_____ x $ 49.95 = $_________ |
"Elusive Peace:How Modern Diplomatic Strategies Could Better Resolve World Conflicts" by Doug Noll |
_____ x $ 25.00 = $_________ |
"Resolving Conflicts at Work: Ten Strategies for Everyone on the Job" by Kenneth Cloke and Joan Goldsmith |
_____ x $ 16.99 = $_________ |
"Collaborative Divorce Handbook: Effectively Helping Divorcing Families Without Going to Court" by Forrest (Woody) Mosten |
_____ x $ 75.00 = $_________ |
"Mediation Career Guide: A Strategic Approach to Building a Successful Practice" by Forrest (Woody) Mosten |
_____ x $ 50.00 = $_________ |
"Conflict Revolution: Mediating Evil, War, Injustice and Terrorism" by Kenneth Cloke |
_____ x $ 32.95 = $_________ |
"Unbundling Legal Services: A Guide to Delivering Legal Services a la Carte" by Forrest (Woody) Mosten |
_____ x $ 64.95 = $_________ |
"The Crossroads of Conflict: A Journey Into the Heart of Dispute Resolution" by Kenneth Cloke |
_____ x $ 32.95 = $_________ |
"Mediating Dangerously: The Frontiers of Conflict Resolution" by Kenneth Cloke |
_____ x $ 38.99 = $_________ |
"Peacemaking: Practicing at the Intersection of Law and Human Conflict" by Douglas E. Noll |
_____ x $ 34.95 = $_________ |
"Sex, Politics, and Religion at the Office: The New Competitive Advantage" by Douglas E. Noll, John F. Boogaert |
_____ x $ 18.95 = $_________ |
"Calm in the Face of the Storm: Spiritual Daily Practice for the Peacemaker" by Nan Waller Burnett |
_____ x $ 29.99 = $_________ |
"Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In" by Roger Fisher, William L. Ury |
_____ x $ 16.00 = $_________ |
"The Promise of Mediation: The Transformative Model for Conflict Resolution, Revised Edition" by Robert A. Baruch Bush, Joseph P. Folger |
_____ x $ 50.00 = $_________ |
"Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most" by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, Sheila Heen |
_____ x $ 16.00 = $_________ |
"When Talk Works: Profiles of Mediators" by Deborah M. Kolb, Ph.D., & Associates |
_____ x $ 55.00 = $_________ |
"The End of Management and the Rise of Organizational Democracy" by Kenneth Cloke, Joan Goldsmith |
_____ x $ 34.95 = $_________ |
"Bringing Peace Into the Room: How the Personal Qualities of the Mediator Impact the Process of Conflict Resolution" by Daniel Bowling (Editor), David Hoffman (Editor) |
_____ x $ 35.00 = $_________ |
"The Art of Waking People Up: Cultivating Awareness and Authenticity at Work" by Kenneth Cloke (Author), Joan Goldsmith (Author), Warren G. Bennis (Foreword) |
_____ x $ 29.95 = $_________ |
"Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands: The Bestselling Guide to Doing Business in More Than 60 Countries" by Terri Morrison, Wayne A. Conaway |
_____ x $ 24.95 = $_________ |
"The Complete Guide to Mediation: The Cutting-Edge Approach to Family Law Practice" by Forrest (Woody) Mosten |
_____ x $ 89.95 = $_________ |
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